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We support children and young people, aged up to 19 years, who are experiencing emotional health and wellbeing issues (e.g. feeling stressed, worried or not enjoying things).

You must live or be registered with a GP practice (doctor) in the Rochdale borough (which includes Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale).

#Thrive can also provide advice and support to parents, carers and anyone that works with a child or young person.

Unit 2, Argyle Parade, Heywood, OL10 3RY
Umbrella org:
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust
Area serviced:
Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale
0161 716 2844
Opening times:
Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm
Who is it for:
Children and Young people aged up to 19years old.
How to apply:
Telephone in first instance to enquire further

Related Information

Related Factsheets

Subject Definitions

Information and support for children, parents, guardians or anyone wanting information about childhood issues.
Help and support for young people who have, or know someone who has mental health issues.