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Time Out

Run by Calderdale's independent, user-led mental health charity Healthy Minds,

Time Out is for all 10-19 year olds in Calderdale. With a focus on emotional wellbeing, we connect young people with activities, opportunities, learning and support. We offer group work and early intervention support, through our own delivery and collaboration with a network of providers.

The project has been co-designed by young people, who told us that ‘finding your thing’ - finding something you love to do or connect with – helps them with feeling good and staying well.

We are passionate about providing a platform for young people’s voices and experiences.

Umbrella org:
Healthy Minds Calderdale
Area serviced:
Contact name:
Tara, Alex or Kate
01422 345154
Who is it for:
Young people aged 10-19
How to apply:
Telephone in first instance

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Related Factsheets

Subject Definitions

Information and support for children, parents, guardians or anyone wanting information about childhood issues.
Help and support for young people who have, or know someone who has mental health issues.